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2025 ATTENTION: The sites have been updated in two ways. New stations have been added and others have been updated in formulas. More importantly the station listing now better follows the coastline and bays. The list starts near Canada and works down into New Hampshire. It should be much easier to find neighboring sites.

How to use: Pick the site in Maine for the tides. Then scroll to the bottom of this page. Select (highlight) the month, start date, and total days. Press the Get Tides button.

Pettegrove Pt, Eastport and Local Bays

Cutler to Ellsworth

Mt. Desert

Islands In and Near Penobscot Bay

Blue Hill Harbor to Bangor

Belfast to Waldboro Along Shore

Georges Island, Monhegan Island and Damariscove Island

Muscongus Harbor to Cross River Along Shore

Sheepscot to Bath

Gardiner to South Freeport

Yarmouth, Portland and Local Islands

Pine Point to Seapoint

Piscataqua River and New Hampshire

Pick the month for the tides,

First day for tides, and

How many days of tides?

Press a button.